What Are We Learning?
Blogging is new for me. I am slowly adding new items to our blog.
We already have: Leader in me habits (being added weekly), weekly sight-words/spelling words.
Now I am adding "What We Are Learning", which I hope to update weekly. This will give you an opening for conversation with your child, as to what they are earning in the classroom.
Week 8/10-8/11
Getting to know each other and expectations: We are a classroom Family!
Week 8/14-8/18
Math - Reviewing money, what coins are, their worth, how to add.
Science/Social Studies - Life cycles of a plant
Literacy - What is a sentence, parts of a sentence
Writing - 4 sentence creative write: Where have my jitters gone? Based upon "first Day Jitters" read-a-loud.
Read-a-loud- Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren
Week 8/21-8/25
Math -
Science/Social Studies -Solar eclipse, Parts of a plant
Literacy - Capitalization and punctuation
Writing - Based on Pippi Longstocting: If I was a Thing Finder and Character Description/Drawing
Read-a-Loud - Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren
Week 8/28-9/1
Math - Money word problems, 2 digit addition
Science/Social Studies - Skeleton (bones) and immigration
Literacy - Punctuation, nouns, verbs, adjectives
Writing - Fantasy House, key elements in writing, writing process
Read-a-Loud - Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren
Week 9/4--9/8 (Monday: Labor Day and Thursday & Friday: Irma days)
Math - Word problems, 3 digit addition, money value
Science/Social Studies - Hurricane Irma, immigration, jobs, circulatory system
Literacy - Book reports, sight words and spelling words, verb agreement
Writing - Captured Cat, publishing, collaborative writing
Read-a-Loud - Completed Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren
Week 9/11-9/15 (No school ALL week: Irma days)
Math - N/A
Science/Social Studies - N/A
Literacy - N/A
Writing - N/A
Read-a-Loud - N/A
Week 9/18-9/22 (Completed plans from 9/4-9/8 due to Irma days & to ease back into school)
Math - Word problems, 3 digit addition, money value
Science/Social Studies - Hurricane Irma, immigration, jobs, circulatory system, Constitution
Literacy - Book reports, sight words and spelling words, verb agreement
Writing - Captured Cat, publishing, collaborative writing
Read-a-Loud - Mary Poppins by P.L. Travers
**Talk Like a Pirate Day**
Week 9/25-9/29
Math - 2 digit addition with carryover, using strategies 3 ways, word problems
Science/Social Studies - Organ systems, adding organs to our skeleton, Patriot's Day, Digestive System, International Dot Day
Literacy - Verb agreement review,
Writing - Butter-phant, Using writing tools, Beginning/Middle/Ending
Read-a-Loud - Mary Poppins by P.L. Travers
**Beginning our "Grateful Journals"**
We already have: Leader in me habits (being added weekly), weekly sight-words/spelling words.
Now I am adding "What We Are Learning", which I hope to update weekly. This will give you an opening for conversation with your child, as to what they are earning in the classroom.
Week 8/10-8/11
Getting to know each other and expectations: We are a classroom Family!
Week 8/14-8/18
Math - Reviewing money, what coins are, their worth, how to add.
Science/Social Studies - Life cycles of a plant
Literacy - What is a sentence, parts of a sentence
Writing - 4 sentence creative write: Where have my jitters gone? Based upon "first Day Jitters" read-a-loud.
Read-a-loud- Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren
Week 8/21-8/25
Math -
Science/Social Studies -Solar eclipse, Parts of a plant
Literacy - Capitalization and punctuation
Writing - Based on Pippi Longstocting: If I was a Thing Finder and Character Description/Drawing
Read-a-Loud - Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren
Week 8/28-9/1
Math - Money word problems, 2 digit addition
Science/Social Studies - Skeleton (bones) and immigration
Literacy - Punctuation, nouns, verbs, adjectives
Writing - Fantasy House, key elements in writing, writing process
Read-a-Loud - Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren
Week 9/4--9/8 (Monday: Labor Day and Thursday & Friday: Irma days)
Math - Word problems, 3 digit addition, money value
Science/Social Studies - Hurricane Irma, immigration, jobs, circulatory system
Literacy - Book reports, sight words and spelling words, verb agreement
Writing - Captured Cat, publishing, collaborative writing
Read-a-Loud - Completed Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren
Week 9/11-9/15 (No school ALL week: Irma days)
Math - N/A
Science/Social Studies - N/A
Literacy - N/A
Writing - N/A
Read-a-Loud - N/A
Week 9/18-9/22 (Completed plans from 9/4-9/8 due to Irma days & to ease back into school)
Math - Word problems, 3 digit addition, money value
Science/Social Studies - Hurricane Irma, immigration, jobs, circulatory system, Constitution
Literacy - Book reports, sight words and spelling words, verb agreement
Writing - Captured Cat, publishing, collaborative writing
Read-a-Loud - Mary Poppins by P.L. Travers
**Talk Like a Pirate Day**
Week 9/25-9/29
Math - 2 digit addition with carryover, using strategies 3 ways, word problems
Science/Social Studies - Organ systems, adding organs to our skeleton, Patriot's Day, Digestive System, International Dot Day
Literacy - Verb agreement review,
Writing - Butter-phant, Using writing tools, Beginning/Middle/Ending
Read-a-Loud - Mary Poppins by P.L. Travers
**Beginning our "Grateful Journals"**
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