What We Are Learning 10/2/17: Merfolk 1st & 2nd

Merfolk 1st & 2nd

Week 10/2 to 10/6
**10/6/17: World Smile Day**

*Monday 10/2: Fieldtrip to The Science Center: "Planetarium and How We Move"*

Math - Comparing Coin Values, Shopping with Money, Reviewing Math Strategies

Science/Social Studies - Continue body systems: Respiratory, Nervous, & Muscular, 5 Senses
States and Capitals, Forms of Energy: Energy Robot Project

Literacy - Characters, Setting, Story Structure; Noun/Verb/Adjective Hide Review

Writing - Beginning Month-Long Halloween Write

Read-a-Loud - Mary Poppins by P.L. Travers

**Continuing our "Grateful Journals"**


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