Merfolk: Music Request List for Classroom Playlist


Merfolk Classroom Music List Request

The Merfolk classroom is a classroom that is rich with music. We love to listen to music while we are learning. “A study from the University of Helsinki noted in 2015 that the simple act of listening to music while in class can help improve students’ memory and learning capability. There is also evidence to show that music played at low volumes during class activities can boost creativity and concentration. “Learning should be fun, and music makes everything happy.

I am asking students to take ownership of their music list for class. I use Vitamin Strings for quiet/concentration times. We are looking now for songs with words for other times. I am looking for appropriate songs we can sing along to. Please take time and research fun songs. I am requesting that you list your student’s 10 favorite songs that are appropriate for the classroom.

I will check the lyrics and listen to the songs. If they are appropriate, we will add them to our classroom listening album. Some examples are: Happy: Pharrell Williams, Can’t Stop the Feeling: Justin Timberlake, Who Let the Dogs Out: Baha Men, and The Climb: Miley Cyrus.

Thank you for helping lift our students, encourage them, and bring music into their learning and classroom.

Mrs. Sherrill

*Please list: Song and Artist*

1.      ________________________________________________________________________

2.      ________________________________________________________________________

3.      ________________________________________________________________________

4.      ________________________________________________________________________

5.      ________________________________________________________________________

6.      ________________________________________________________________________

7.      ________________________________________________________________________

8.      ________________________________________________________________________

9.      ________________________________________________________________________

10.  ________________________________________________________________________


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